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รูปภาพนักเขียนBimanda Sahara

One More Time

อัปเดตเมื่อ 25 เม.ย. 2562

Besides gender and race, we also have discrimination issues about age. In society we recognize a social construction of age called ageism. This view is a prejudice or discrimination against individuals by looking at age.

Generally, this view is attached to young people (under the productive age) and the elderly (over productive age). To narrow the scope of the discussion. The view that I will use is how people see the elderly.

this is indicated by our little discussion and the media about them, if any. usually they are portrayed by someone who is helpless, boring and often making trouble. and when these parents do things other than that, the media think of it as something strange and unusual.

we as people who live on the continent of Asia are certainly not strange with the term "Respect for older people", this has many benefits because we are accustomed to behaving politely to them. But this also creates a problem that is bias towards the level of productivity. our society is used to seeing the productivity of an individual from its economic value. Then this bias causes us to assume that the elderly has no hope and are just waiting to die.

based on the concept above, I will bring a portrait where these elderly people can still be productive even though in other sectors. I believe that everyone has the right and can create meaning for himself, no matter how old they are.

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